Sunday, March 11, 2007

things going good... things going baaaaddd.....

a day of mixed emotions actually.. anyway, its been ages since I've posted anything.. thought I'd do something about it.. and as usual, I hope to be more regular this time round as well....

went back to college after a while... its been a while since I've seen a good round of quizzing.. felt good to see the old folks... walking along those familiar paths, once again with ma old buddies...

Went to see a movie today.. its been almost a year since I've been to the movies with Anas... quite a contrast to 3 years ago when a movie a week was the norm... this time we went to an old theatre near his native place... no a/c, no balcony, no dolby and the works... but the simplicity of it all was a welcome change... the movie was kaiyoppu... a good friend tells me it is partly based on director Renjith's life story... the star-cast was refreshing... felt good to see Neena Kurup after a long gap... the first half of the movie is awesome... Renjith creates an atmosphere filled with literature and mature romance... but the second half is quite the anti-thesis... felt really strange after coming out... am seeing another movie Anyar just get out of the kaiyoppu mode...

*pic credits- nowrunning, indiaglitz

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