Friday, December 16, 2005

Bobanum Molliyum...

Finally, my end terms got over..Phew! what a relief.

Today, my friend passed on this link, to a treasure trove of Bobanum Molliyum cartoons.

It was really great to read once again those catoons that one loved as a child. I still find them really enjoyable. Mind you, I've still not finished reading it....Have been reading them since evening...Might as well go well into the night!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Pathimoonnu Kannara Palam....

A couple of weeks back I had attended a discussion hosted by a leading Malayalam daily at Cochin. The long travel from Calicut to Cochin was the best part though. Their sub-editor of the Calicut edition, with whom I was travelling, proved to be a jovial company.

We had long discussions about a lot of things ranging from politics to art to history...One such anecdote he told me was about the thirteen arched Kannara Palam in Kazhuthuruti in Kollam district.

Nestled in the verdant hills is this thirteen arched railway bridge, a legacy of the British Raj. He says, though the place is far away from civilization, it is a very beautiful ride, offering stunning views of the ghats.

And all those who have watched Anantabhadram can get a glimpse of this beauty captured beautifully by Santosh Sivan.

I'm hoping that I get a chance to visit the place during the upcoming Christmas hols.

He told me lots of other interesting stuff...Those, in later editions...

To know a lil bit more abt the bridge, click here.