Was watching some ole episodes of X-files... That's how I got some info abt cattle mutilations
Ctrl C- Ctrl V...... abracadabra...
Cattle Mutilation Phenomena refers to thousands of cases in North America where cattle have been found mutilated under abnormal circumstances. Many mutilated cattle have been found marked with fluorescent paint, probably to help identify them in the dark.
The cows are found dead (although the cause of death is undetermined), exsanguinated (all their blood has been removed). Precise "laser-precision" cuts are observed in the mutilated cattle. They have had certain organs surgically removed from their bodies. Often their reproductive and rectal organs have been removed.
Abnormally high radiation levels have been detected near the dead animals when they are found, and scavengers will not touch the carcass. There are no footprints leading to or from the cows. There is evidence (clamp marks on the animals' legs) that the cattle were taken from their habitats and mutilated elsewhere. Sightings of UFOs and strange, unmarked, black helicopters coincide with many cattle mutilation cases.
Some people suspect our government as being behind this as some sort of biological warfare plan. Yet this is a world phenomemon.
The marks found on the animals are not consistent with attacks by predators such as wolves or coyotes.
In many cases the owners hear nothing at the time of the mutilation which is usually at night.
All organ removal and incisions are done with surgical precision, and in some cases the evidence of cauterization along the incision lines has led investigators to believe the use of some sort of high heat cutting device has been administered, suggesting the strong possibility of a laser.
Bones are also clearly cut with no bone fragments around the cut.
The body of the animal is totally drained of blood yet there no trace of blood is found, no signs of a struggle, footprints or tire tracks found anywhere on the ground around the body.
The typical cattle mutilation has shown repeatedly, huge oval shaped incisions around the jaw bone and in most cases the exposed jaw is completely removed, and the tongue removed from a precise incision deep in the throat. Also observed is the additional removal of at least one (1) eyeball, the udders on the female are most always removed and the sexual organs on both sexes are also most always removed.
UFOs and strange black unmarked helicopters have been linked with these mutilations since they have been sighted at the same time in the same area where the mutilated bovines have been found. There have been reports about UFO's lifting the animal off the ground. No one seems to have a valid reason as to the link between the multilations and the ET's.
Many animal mutilations are now being blamed on the animlas called Chupacabras who have yet to be captured and researched. Animal victims are found with a puncture hole in their neck and blood drained.
Pretty murky, huh!!
click here or here or here or here to get more info...
1 comment:
:D absolutely tongue tied, or shud say fingers tied:P.......dude mail this to the iimk guys and ask em to put it in the next CAT paper in RC..:P...
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